Overcoming challenges and finding solutions
Judicium's free Sofa Sessions
Join us 'on the sofa' where we talk frankly with experts about the real issues facing education. With many attendees from across the country bringing ideas, together, we can find effective solutions to challenging conversations!
"No script, no jargon... real conversation!"
Upcoming sofa sessions and events
We suggest you book in early to secure a spot in these upcoming sessions.
Please note: each Sofa Session has 2 available times.
10am & 11:30am
James Simoniti
Join us as we discuss:
- The key findings from Ofsted inspection reports where safeguarding has been judged to be “not effective."
- The reasons for “not effective” safeguarding which are frequently noted in inspection reports.
- Practical steps to take away from previous findings.
10am & 11:30am
Jenny Salero
Join us as we discuss:
- The proposed and confirmed changes that the new Government have announced
- How these may impact schools
- Any ways you can start to prepare for these proposed changes
10:00am & 11:30am
Rik Chilvers
Join us as we discuss:
- What areas do Ofsted consider when inspecting SEND provision?
- What makes provision 'outstanding?'
- Early strategic goals for the 2024/25 academic year.
10am & 11:30am
Sam Hall and Jenny Salero
Join us as we discuss
- Common employment processes (such as grievance, disciplinary and absence management) and how subject access requests interlink and affect these
- Understanding data protection obligations when handling employee data in the course of the employment relationship
- Tips to help protect staff data and establish underlying trust with your staff
10am & 11:30am
Helen King and Jenny Salero
Join us as we discuss:
- Supporting staff to understand the importance of mental health
- Safeguarding pupils with mental health concerns
- Tips to support the mental health of your staff
10am & 11:30am
Andy Cameroux
Join us as we discuss:
- Personalised Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) for SEND students
Risk Assessments- Accessible Safety Measures, which may include using visual alarms, tactile signage, and accessible exits
- Staff Training and Support, including understanding how to use specialised equipment like evacuation chairs and how to communicate effectively with students who have specific needs